Skâldskapr:Transposing monotheistic beliefs onto Paganism

In this episode I like to discuss some visions I have received about many who have simply transposed the name of Ódinn onto the practice and beliefs of the monotheistic church. By not understanding, nor fully exploring the breadth of Pre-Christian beliefs, choosing to stay safely within the societal accepted “norms”. In the quest to promote the new practice of monotheism designated the practice of paganism as evil and needed eradication. They focused their new-found followers on ensuring punishment of all non conformists. This practice of banishment from mainstream, and evil association continues today. However, as we look to find answers let’s us look to Ódinn for wisdom.

{Ódinn invocation chant}

As I’ve studied most theologies throughout the world, both: newer, and ancient, I’ve discovered that there are enough similarities in some of the many practices where many times the lines between them are blurred. Therefore I am not surprised that many choose to transpose one to another.

Most practitioners don’t even understand their own grasp of their religious practices, but recognize their designated religious display as a social status, or social gathering. Many attendees of today’s churches never take the time, nor expel the energy to seek the deeper understanding of the underlying theology behind their practice. Many self-professed, practicing “Bible thumpers” know the stories told throughout their holy text, but their definition of successful sub-servants behavior is incredibly limited. 

I think that some of the transposing occurs due to the lack of in-depth understanding of other theologies, as well as the real lack of understanding their own monotheistic beliefs. Many humans have existed their entire life under the umbrella of Christian beliefs and messages, therefore the stories and relationships have become ingrained in their inner psychology. Throughout the millennia many have had the behaviors of these newer practices engrained through their adoption at the higher levels. We have witnessed throughout the generations the negative ramifications of “top-down” adoption, as many monarchies forced their subjects to adopt or perish. Each subsequent generation was then taught the “rules of the world”. These rules were dictated by the enforcement of Christian ways, and could be applied arbitrarily whenever the church leadership wanted to. 

The sustained growth allowed for the church to amass wealth beyond some countries, and therefore bought allegiance of the royals, thereby increasing the church coffers from the general population. However, this leads us to the understanding as to how this top-down, conform or die enforcement continues, even up to today. How many within our population are convinced that being different is wrong, or evil. Let’s consider some of the key cornerstone beliefs of Christianity, and how they shaped society today.

Believing in any other god is evil, as their Bible says “thou shalt not have any other gods”.  This was a blatant attempt at crushing the other practices of those early days. However, throughout the generations, the translation became other religions and practices are evil. The interesting part of this is that this is one of the underlying principles that has traversed the thousands of generations between inception and current day. I would say that this principle is also one of the prime reasons that many don’t fully submit to one theology. This particular scenario is the single largest factor that dictates modern behavior in their inability to coexist with other practices. Coincidentally this is also one of the major factors that causes many to just superimpose one theology on top of another.

In many who I’ve interviewed who claim to be be outside the circles of Christianity, many have easily pointed out how the pagan religions have adopted Christian practices, not fully understanding that really it went the other way. However, many have simply replaced the names to meet the new standard, whatever it happens to be.  However, this naming convention doesn’t touch the underlying ideology of paganism, and especially Norse pagan beliefs. So, let’s talk about this underlying ideology. 

Let’s talk about what we understand, starting at the beginning. What exactly is our position on good versus evil, or to what extent do we tell lies (white lies versus bold face lies)? One of the major theories that I work with all the time in local counseling sessions is the idea of sin. The aged old concept of what was bad has created a chasm within the ideals that form each of the practices. While many have told me that it’s a “slippery slope”, stemming from the little white lies told in good conscious, slipping down to the pathetic liar condemned to their idea of hell. Many will blame the influence of  a fallen angel, Satan. Who introduced the concept of sin to the humans, Adam and Eve. This idea handed away the responsibility for one’s actions, passing the blame to the influence that sin has had on the world population. Removing the basic idea of self-restraint and honor, forfeiting it in lieu of being “normal”. To further demonstrate the point, a new addition of “the son” was added to the theology to help the common man bridge the gap between his human-ness and the presence of their god. This is demonstrated with the split between Judaism and Christianity, and again between the son being the messiah versus him being another prophet. 

Think about each portion of each doctrine and it should become obvious that each section of the doctrine is constructed to strictly control the population. The idea of sin was introduced to help control the masses in the privacy of their own homes. But each strike with the Catholic nun’s ruler on the knuckles we become more convinced that it’s their way or condemnation. It has been their objective from the very beginning. But, I really want us to think about it. Think about the violence that has always surrounded monotheism. When taken individually, these pieces don’t mean a whole lot, but the sum becomes a clear vision of where the world fell off the coexistence wagon.

Monotheism is not designed for nor conducive to, coexistence. This fact is glaringly apparent as one collects the many different facts. Starting at the directives that were given long before the proposed prophets of this “newer” practice came to be and ushered in two millennia of hate and confusion.

Evangelical, or missionaries, or salesmen.

There could only be one god, and one practice.

Knowing that there were humans, and anatomically modern humans for over 200,000 years before the proposed son of god came to man. That doesn’t seem odd that a deity would wait that long to “communicate with his creations”, in the way prescribed by these new salesmen? In addition, all those who lived and died before the birth of this new practice were condemned to hell, because they had not heard the good word, and been saved?

That everything a person said, thought, or did, would be held up for judgement, and the successes credited to god, yet the failures left for the human race to carry.

That submission was the only way to interact with this deity. Either bowing, or submitting ones soul.

Their holy text speaks about giving away your hard-earned money to the church as a way to cleanse your soul of sin? Giving your money to the church, and guilt when you could not.

My favorite discussion about the psychological brain washing is that of extremists. I love talking to devout practitioners who immediately point out “we’re not like those guys”, “they’re radicals”. What a load of shit. The founders of this bullshit took a process of communicating with our deities, and exploited it for their personal gain, while cozying up to the ruling class for protection and enforcement.

Ultimately it boils down to being true to your word, living honorably, and keeping what is your safe as you live our your foretold days here on Earth.


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