As I began my deepest part of my journey into the world of my personal spirituality, I would experience different levels of education offered by spiritual entities as to my position and role in the physical / spiritual realm convergence. These interactions gave me an understanding of what lies beyond what my eyes could see.
I became connected to an ancestral spiritual entity who would lead me to discovering more of the wisdom and knowledge through concentrated trances. These trances would lead to an infusion of knowledge that I had never considered before. They would bring knowledge about the quantum mechanics of spiritual energy moving in and out of the physical body to the molecular level. For the first time in my life I truly began to understand a much broader experience of spirituality as a whole. During these trances, I would receive notes, then using my channeled ancestor I would obtain a deeper understanding of what each drawing, or writing meant. I have begun to include these within our Patreon site, where I include my channeled ancestor’s additional comments, as well as my own experiences with the understanding within these trance writings.
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As my ancestors and I began to work in concert with understanding the visions and writings I received, my understanding of the connections between my physical mind and my spiritual mind became more apparent to me, these were defined as:
Channeling – In my case, my channeling was with a singular ancestral spiritual consciousness who, became connected to me via my cultural engagement. From my understanding, this individual was chosen to interact with me because of my desire to embrace the historical culture he lived. This became very important as we translated many of the images received through my trances together, with his level of understanding and mine.
Trances – Again, in my experience, it was during these trances where I received wisdom and knowledge from the universe from no one entity specifically. As I began my trances, I realized that the mindset could be obtained without the use of psychedelics’. If I could still my mind enough, and focus my thoughts, I could obtain a connection to the universe where I would receive visions and or my hand would begin to write things down. Later, after awaking from my trance, I would review the drawing or writing and establish channeled sessions with my ancestor to understand what it meant.
This would be my first exposure to the spiritual realm, now as I’ve become used to it, I find it very comfortable to enter into these levels of communications with my ancestors, as well as the spiritual realm around us.
From those beginnings, as an anointed Úlfhé∂nar my teachings speak to “re”-obtaining a balance in one’s life between our physical being, as well as our spiritual “self”. Throughout the many spiritual journeys that I have made into the psyche of others, there seems to be a misunderstanding as to what this balance is.
Many speak about being equal parts of good and bad, or machoistic versus feminist. Replacing the words “machoistic ” with an exhibition of strength, and “feminist” as being weaker or more emotional, which is a horrible translation of those two paradigms. While I don’t personally find any value in the word machoistic , I do know that my wife asks me to open the new pickle jar, does that make me machoistic? Of course not. It simply means that I have greater hand, and arm strength than she does. However, the idea of a strong male seems to have been demonized due to the actions of a few, in much the same way we find in modern society that actions of a few seem to be able to sway public opinion about all matter of things. The balance is really between the two realms of your existence, the physical side where you have actions and emotions, and the spiritual side where you have unlimited knowledge and wisdom.
My teachings are about finding this balance between the physical world, and the spiritual world. As evolved beings, we have a duty to fully understand our contribution to the world in which we currently exist. Obtaining a balance means that we understand the influence the spiritual world has on our everyday lives, even for those who don’t believe in the “hocus pocus” of a religious practice. It means we recognize and respect the spiritual auras created by ourselves and others, as well as their unique connection with the spirits and/or deities.
Recognizing that each of us possesses a different perspective as we stand in a circle around whatever concept we are struggling to understand, or as I call it “the puddle”. By then stepping one step to the right or left, we then change our perspective, as we complete the journey around the puddle, we realize we now have many different perspectives of the puddle, more closely understanding its entirety. So too is our recognition of the spiritual realm around us. As we embrace the commonalities between our perspectives we begin to arrive at the understanding of the vastness of the spiritual realm around us, as well as its impact on us. This is very important that we understand our life’s journey from many different perspectives which allows us to better understand, and find unification amongst our friends and neighbors within our society.
-Alaska Úlfhé∂nar
The Triad of Human Existence demonstrates the three major areas of influence we humans have.
After decades of studying both: psychology, as well as spirituality, I have come to the realization that they are directly linked. The idea that our biological body creates an environment for our physical brain, and our spiritual core to learn and create memories of a chemical journey called emotions is what has led me to understand this reality. The more I worked with spiritual entities around me, the more I have come to understand the necessity of learning to control our own physical mind and thought process. This is the understanding of “the triad of human existence”.
Our physical body is conceived by combining a “snapshot” of our parent’s genetic footprint at that time. This “genetic auction” produces the footprint for how our physiological tissues will form, with a bidding war occurring between the dominant and recessive genes provided by our parents. I have been taught that, while most spiritual entity bonding allows for the recessive genes to succumb to the dominant ones, this is not always the case. However, this negotiation is simply a starting point. From the moment of our conception, until the moment our spiritual self leaves the physical body, our genetic manipulation will continuously change who we are. This change is caused by chemical reactions between hormones released within the body. More about this in our teachings, however suffice to say, our emotional roller coaster interpretation caused by this chemical reaction will be a constant source of learning throughout our physical life times.
From the dawn of cognitive thought we (humans) have sought to relate all things to all things, all the time. To this end, we must understand that our brain is likened to a sealed box. The only way to get any information into the box is through five (5) hoses. These five hoses are our senses, touch, smell, hearing, seeing, and taste, as well as spiritual intuition. The data, our experiences are passed to our brain via these hoses, which are filled with the chemical composition of our released hormones suspended in a potential hydrogen (pH) balanced fluid. Our interpretation and storage of memories through this chemically filled system is what allows different people to store the same experience, differently. From these stored memories come the interrelationships built with other perceived to be similar memories already stored, we call these interrelationships “wisdom”.
What most of us don’t understand the influence that spirituality has on our everyday lives, especially those who believe they have cast aside their subscription to any of these spiritual teachings and practices. However, spirituality is not just “conversations” with some deity figure, it’s so much more. Whether discussing the constant connection we have with our ancestors who have left this realm of existence, or spirits of the lands (for me this is the Landvætti), or other physical lifeforms (such as plants, animals, and other humans) on a spiritual level. This is where I have been taught that I need to be. Providing my clansmen and women an understanding of the influence of their spiritual connectivity with the realm around them. This level of knowledge is what brings the “magic” of the natural world into our understandings.
“After millennia of death and conflict, I only seek Harmony and Unity”
— Alaska Úlfhé∂nar
While our primary responsibility lies with maintaining the self, it is just as important that we seek a balance with the world around us. This balance is obtained with the pleasant conversations with physical and spiritual interactions we have with those spirits around us. We know that our interactivity is a mirror of our soul, thereby creating either: negative interactions of division or anger, or creating positive interactions when one has a positive outlook of this life’s lesson.
The lessons below are based on my theories, and the teachings I have received from the Landvætti throughout the years of interacting with them. Feel free to investigate each, and ask questions. Hopefully, you too can receive enlightenment.
Throughout the decades of providing spiritual counseling for individuals from the many different “walks of life” I have sought, and received enlightenment on this subject, and have been educated that NO ONE IS WRONG! This is a huge paradigm shift from what is taught in mainstream practices today and explains all of the uncertainty I’ve had about these practices. In consideration of most practices, they focus on a singular source, and that’s all right. The idea that they receive wisdom and guidance from what they believe is their deity layer is what can get them through this physical existence. My hope is that all peoples come to understand that “believing” in a different path, is not bad, it’s just a different translation, and it doesn’t make anyone better or worse, just different.
Within every journey of enlightenment, there is a beginning, the first step into the unknown. This is where we find ourselves here now. As we engage our journey we must learn to put aside those ideas of division, inequality, and hate. We must seek cohesion, unity, peace, and harmony, and love. We must seek out those who retain darkness within their soul and help them to free it, so as to move forward with inner peace. We must cast aside the idea of a singular identity of our deity, and even the number of deities that we worship. Instead of finding methods to divide our people, we must find commonality. We must not believe that others need to be “saved” because they don’t worship the same way we do, embrace their uniqueness.
As we travel down our path to our destiny, we must not seek to shame others of their practices or beliefs, but accept the facts that they are different. Not better, not worse, just different. By shouting the narrative of equality in everything we believe, and recognizing the wonders of diversity, we can bring forth unification of all peoples and beliefs to create a harmonious joy unlike ever recorded in history. This must be the end goal for all peoples of all nations. To diligently search for unity.
When we consider the possibilities of multiple societies, developed thousands of miles apart, with absolute minimum contact, yet still able to come to a VERY similar understanding of the spiritual realm in relation to the physical realm, it becomes more proof-positive that our ancestors retained their abilities to communicate across the realms. As we do a “deep-dive” on the spiritual beliefs around the world in the days before monotheism or polytheism, we find the independent understanding being part of their everyday function.
As evidenced throughout the millennia, the understanding behind (what the early church defined as) paganism has been mishandled and appropriated by the church to mean something totally different than its origins suggest. Pagan comes from the Latin word paganus, meaning villager, rustic, civilian, and the word itself comes from pāgus which refers to a small plot of rural land. It was initially intended to be a demeaning Latin term (like the word hick), that did not have any religious relevance. This same mentality was applied to the word heathen. Heathen, like pagan, is believed to have come from the term for a country inhabitant, or in this case, a “heath dweller.” These early practitioners (labeled heathens and pagans) understood that “we are all part of the same world, with many of the same challenges”. It is this message that we embrace wholeheartedly here at the Alaska Úlfhe∂nar. Being a Celtic Norse means I recognize that the spirit of the Landvætti (Land Spirits) are inclusive of the spirits of other humans (who may or may not be aware of it). In the spirit of coexistence, we offer our friends and fellow spirituality practitioners the opportunity to list their businesses below. If you do find something you are interested in and/or make a purchase from one of the shops, please let them know that AKÚlfhe∂nar sent you.
Wisdom is given to be shared. The Alaska Úlfhé∂nar offers his wisdom through a multitude of channels and hopes that further distribution is possible by our listeners. Feel free to check out the resources throughout this page.
Nattleysi (Summer Months)
Skammdegi (Winter Months)
The image of the Shaman is credited to April Olsen 2024.
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For 2025