Our son, after returning from action overseas was unable to handle the burden and ended his life. It devastated my husband, our other two children, and myself, and pushed us all into a very dark place. Fortunately, one evening when browsing through podcasts, I found the AKÚlfhédnar. We made contact with him. Looking back over the last six months, it was definitely a gift from a higher power, because he saved all four of us, as well as my son’s two best friends. Very calming, he was able to reach each of us where we were at, and speak directly to our hearts and spirits, and move us all forward. Our son’s siblings have now gone on to blossom as young people who have something to look forward to. Thank you so much.
Nattleysi (Summer Months)
Skammdegi (Winter Months)
The image of the Shaman is credited to April Olsen 2024.
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Celebrating throughout the Generations
For 2025