
According to the Legends

As told by my Ancestors

My inclusion with the Úlfhédnar began in what is today northwestern Germany, along the border of the Netherlands, within a tribe called the Danes approximately in the year 400 C.E..(Gregorian calendar). Historically speaking, this tribe I descend from is a splinter of the Suevi tribe of central Germania. As I’ve discovered, my ancestors were a fierce tribe that would go on to expel the Romans (Western Empire) as Rome had attempted to conquer all of Europe around the time the current era came to Midgard. My ancestors, prior to following a man named “Dan” to splinter from the bulk of the Suevi, therefore would become “the people of”, represented by attaching the “i” to King Dan’s name, or the Dani people. The rest of the Suevi armies would continue the conquest west and south, conquering what is today France and Spain, of which they would share the spoils with the Vandals, before succumbing to the Visigoths some decade or so later. My ancestors migrated east along the coast of the North Sea until arriving at the Elba River. After several generations incurring a “stall” at the river’s edge, they would cross the Elba into what is today the Jutland of Denmark. This would lead to a migration North, arriving in (what is today) Bjergby, Denmark by 510 C.E.

My 53rd great-grandfather was born there in Bjergby in the winter of 731 C.E. and sworn into the Úlfhé∂nar under the first full moon of Porri (late January/early February), of 746 C.E. (more precisely, 10 February 746), he was 15 seasons old when his spirit bonded to his brothers and sisters of the wolves. According to what my ancestors have now instructed me with, he was destined for this before assuming his physical form.

With 54 generations between him and I, we have identified a long heritage that has included many who have been exterminated due to their ancestral beliefs by the monotheistic practice. It is only by a gift of the gods (or miracle), the bloodline was able to continue to ultimately arrive at me.

What is the Úlfhé∂nar?

There were multiple facets to the group of men/women who accepted the “gift” from Ó∂inn, later referred to as an Úlfhé∂inn. For these ancestors fulfilled many roles within, particularly Germanic and Norse, societies. There may be great misunderstanding here when I relay the intellect about women having a role within the sacred group of Ulfhednar, hopefully I can clarify this here. While female Úlfhé∂inn did not engage in hand-to-hand combat as frequently as the males did, they did sometimes need to resort to physical violence, and at all times served incredibly honorably as shield-maidens for the males within their pack, or tribe. Many of these women would also create lives within themselves to carry the bloodline from their day to ours thereby allowing this gift to be offered to the generations that followed. While many of the sagas speak only of the male Úlfhé∂inn, there was already much influence of the monotheistic practices sweeping across the world by the time these sagas were written, and under this new “religion” existed a need for superiority of the male. In the same way these organizations marginalized the male magic worker, they undermined the ingrained spiritual understandings to promote their ideology.

The Úlfhé∂nar had several facets to their existence, the first was their legendary mastery of arms. The “special forces” of their time, as they spent years training with many different weapon systems of the day, becoming experts at many different forms of “closed-in” or hand-to-hand combat. Masters of swords, axes, knives, shields, spears, bows, and many more, they were more than capable of besting many contemporaries whom may have not had as much training with more than one weapon system.

The second facet of their existence was their deep connection with the spiritual realm around them, having relationships with the Landvætti, they were able to utilize the magic of nature to crush their enemies, sometimes without ever lifting a sword at all. As a sworn agent of the Norse god Ó∂inn, they were connected to the spiritual realm via a strong bond with the god, but in addition, Ó∂inn granted them access to his knowledge of the magic (taught to him by the goddess Freyja), and his own discoveries of the magical properties of the runes.

In many cases throughout their long history they have served as advisors to the Kings, Chieftains, and Jarls, of their tribe as they possessed both the physical ability to repel any threats, as well as invoke their magical ability to assist the future path of said leader.

Traditions of the Úlfhé∂inn.

When discussing the path of the Úlfhé∂nar, one needs to consider the association they possessed with the wolves. Not merely a social connection, but a very deep spiritual bond, beyond that of an oath (the Norse took oath’s very seriously). The Úlfhé∂inn could never injure a wolf, only offering support and assistance until the wolf left its physical form. It was only after receiving permission from the spiritual entity, could the Úlfhé∂inn assume the animals former skin. This process of initiation was a very emotionally spiritual event as the pelt (or Hamr) would be assumed during the process. Upon establishing a bond with the animal through this hamr (skin), the individual Úlfhé∂inn would assume many of same qualities as demonstrated by our brothers and sisters, the wolves.

As such Úlfhé∂inn were incredibly loyal, as they rallied around the pack mentality. This would lead to them being chosen to be the trusted guards of many of the Scandinavian royalty. Their loyalty extended to the entirety of their tribe and they would gladly accept torture before allowing an external force to harm their tribe.

In addition, they were incredibly cunning, using the gifts of Ó∂inn and Freyja to consider all the perspectives prior to any action to ensure a better chance of success. In many cases in documented history, particularly that of King Harold Harfrige in his quest to unify Norway, we find the Úlfhé∂inn out thinking and out maneuvering the opposing forces, ultimately leading the King to unify Norway under a single banner.

They possessed the same potential as the other “shock troops” of the day, the Berserkr, who could enter a frenzied trance before battle, rendering them unable to sustain damage by sword or fire, and giving them the ability to kill their opponents with a single blow from their mighty axes, or swords. As important as those abilities were, the ability to communicate and utilize the spirits of the lands to rise up against their foes was an even more fear invoking trait that these special warriors brought with them to the battlefields of history. By utilizing the Landvaetti to rise up would have seemed to the opposing forces as the very lands they walked on became another enemy at which to fight. Trees falling on troops or blocking roads, boulders tumbling into the road, rivers flooding their banks, even solid ground becoming marshlands to swallow troops, the Landvætti could become a terrifying foe to the combatants of the day.

Modern Day Úlfhé∂inn Understandings

My ancestors, and therefore I, am deeply connected to the Germanic (then, Norse) god Tyr. As such, we are bonded to go to Valeskjalf upon departing our physical forms. I do not have the option to arrive at the hall of Ó∂inn, even though the Úlfhé∂nar were considered some of the best warriors. Because of our intrinsic magical properties, our destiny lies in serving the god Tyr in managing the law and justice of all the realms. It is true that the Nornir sisters, particularly Urd (the oldest of the three) has determined that I will spend a certain time here on Midgard, I know that my life’s tapestry (as sewn by the youngest of the three Nornir sisters, Verndandi) will now include those responses to events that are more congruent with my Úlfhé∂nar bloodline. I also know that I may choose to engage in another physical lifetime if I so choose to.

I have learned, as my father and grandfather have demonstrated, a man may deny his birthright, but the gift is passed to the first born males, and all females, regardless as to whether we embrace it or not. I have also learned that the spiritual energy around us is constantly being absorbed into our existence whether we choose to acknowlege it or not. This has led me to desire to know about these transferrences to be sure that I am consciously managinng the energy that my mind absorbs, so as to understand its effect on my sensory input interpretation, thereby altering the way my mind recognizes the reality in which I experience.

What does all this mean today?

In many cases, many may wonder what my credentials are for performing the work I do every day here on Midgard. Many have asked me how I have come to understand the knowledge I now have access to. Herein lies a small fraction of the instrumental moments throughout my existence that has offered me the paradigm shift of understanding that I have achieved today.

In 1986 I received a vision of my spiritual self who appeared to me during a sexual encounter on a beach in Oahu, Hawai’i. By meeting my spiritual self face-to-face, the terror incited a renewed need to understand more about what this meant.

In 1989, I overdosed on heroin in a drain culvert in Tucson, Arizona. During the ensuing “high” I would have an out of body experience that, in addition to seeing my physical form lying lifeless on the sandy culvert, I was able to experience a meeting with other spirits who, for the first time in my life at that point, spoke of a brighter future.

In 1990, I met and married my shield-maiden. I would have no idea about the wonderful journey we would experience together, leading to the eventual understanding I have today.

In 2001, I would be enrolled in an experimental theology course at Wayland Baptist University whereas I would be offered a glimpse into the eternity of the spiritual realm by the instructor of the course.

In the same year, I would go to become ordained in the Christian church, believing that I was possessed by the monster I had witnessed by in 1986.

In 2012, during a particularly emotional session with a pair of men who had just returned home from overseas, I would come face-to-face with several of the Landvaetti who had been monitoring me since childhood. This epiphany would lead me on a quest to understand the value or my ancestry.

In 2020, I would have a vision of meeting with the Norse god Ó∂inn, who would then offer me the opportunity to claim my bloodline birthright of the Úlfhé∂nar of my ancestors. That night, in 18 inches of snow, I swore an oath to Ó∂inn to carry a message of understanding to the people of this time that they may come to embrace their ancestry, while discovering their own version of better mental health.

These events, plus many others not documented here, have slowly adjusted my life’s path, arriving where I am today. While many ask what the “lightning strike” was that led me here, I honest say it has been these small, sometimes imperceptible, nudges that slowly changed the direction of my life and the experiences I then began to have. Not only did these small changes alter my path, but they altered the way I looked at my existence. Not as a an overwhelming challenge to get from there to here, but as a path of learning and growing to become the person I’ve become.

No, I’m not perfect. No, I am not the stereotypical representation of a Shaman. I have been guided to where I am by a plethora of influential sources to include the spirits of the world around me, and mostly, my ancestors. Like everyone else here on Midgard, I too, am learning the true meanings of embracing our emotional experiences to communicate more clearly with the spiritual energy of love, and harmony.

Living this life.

While the skills and abilities of the Úlfhé∂nar lied within the inner most recesses of my mind, I had a choice as to whether I would tap it, or for it to remain sheathed as my American born ancestors had done before me. The understanding that I possessed the authority and the necessary energy within myself to make a choice within my thought process, would be a monumental cornerstone at which I would discover an eternity of emotional management and controlled growth. Growing up without the generational transfer of any cultural association to bring recognition to these magical properties, I lacked even the most simplistic understanding until those entities within the Landvætti would draw my attention to it after a small amount of amateur genealogy had opened the door. I would learn over the following years that it had taken a special construct of energy particles placed within my interpretations of life’s experiences that would excite the connection to my ancestral culture within my bloodstream.

It would have been easy to ignore the calling of my ancestry as I revealed the rich cultural heritage of the Norse, and initially I became enamored with this ancestral association because of different energies that accompanied the intellect. At first, the knowledge conjured imagery of glory that seemed to be a byproduct of violence, along with the ideas of power and physical strength. However, the intellectual energy I absorbed by reading volumes of written words would begin to generate an undercurrent of “knowing” another perspective of the imagery being received as it connected with what seemed to already be stored within these deep spaces of my mind. Slowly, an understanding of the ancestral magic was revealed to me, and a deep acknowledgement of the mystical energies of the universe emerged.

While my physical existance continues to teach me, I have come to understand the lessons of this lifetime and now hope to relay what my ancestors have given me to all those who can hear me.

Celtic Shaman

Following in the footsteps of my ancestors, I have sought out and found the support of the gods to translate the “mystical powers” to the rest of the clan. By being given the gift of being a sworn Úlfhé∂nar, I have visited the nine realms and returned with the wisdom of Kvasir. I have been given the gift of eternal sight and the ability to communicate with the Landvætti in a quest to navigate through a physical lifetime dictated by luck and the fates.

Norse Warrior

As a part of being the generational representation of the Úlfhé∂nar, who were the “special forces” of their day. Used by the kings of antiquity to unify Norway, the Úlfhé∂nar were physical warriors, only slightly superior to our brethren, the Berserkir (or the bear). By biting our shields before battle, and avoiding the mail coats, we were able to alter our shapes and employ the Landvætti to engage our enemies. During our “battle rage” we could not be harmed by Iron and could decimate our enemies with one strike.

What is the Message here?

Throughout 30 years of spiritual discovery and spiritual academics, I have determined that many of the cornerstone values held by the mainstream monotheistic churches were implemented in such a way to create a successful form of population control, whether they intended it that way or not. This “brain-washing” that has occurred over thousands of years now, instituted a  tactic of “conform or perish” which forced many to convert, at least superficially to protect themselves and their families. The alignment with the early royalty fostered a method of societal control, and a powerful source of revenue by these monarchies of the time, furthering the “conform or perish” type of implementation.

My message is very simple, don’t follow blindly. If you find that this monotheistic practice works for you, then, by all means, keep it going. However, do not feel like a failure for not “converting” me. Do not think or promote the idea that because we believe differently, that one of us is evil, and one is not. This fact alone has created more separation than anything else in the history of humankind. For my friends, I ask that you not subscribe to the “glory to god, and guilt to the individual” mentality these mainstream churches produce. Do not feel as if those actions you committed during the war were a sin because you either killed, or you were killed. There is no sin there.

The time has come. The time has come for me to stand, and speak of the blindness that has covered the eyes of many. From its infancy, this illusion has been woven into the modern-day culture, the language, the very fibers of our society. The methods of separation and division that have driven wedges between members of our clans, sometimes between the members of our own family. The sick, perverted disguise used to stealthily ensure obedience, left a trail of death that has crossed oceans, and generations. Like an infestation it has seeped into every nook and cranny of the world, smiting anything that stood in its path.

But the canon shells that destroyed lives from within their own minds by shredding away self-confidence while discouraging coexistence at every turn, remain. Allowing only guilt to flourish in the hearts of humankind, while the fat cats behind the curtain only got richer. The eternal punishment of men and women alike, torn apart by the undercurrents of behavior manipulation and control. Unpredictable in the application of its laws and rules, it has arbitrarily doomed many to lives outside the clan and took no pity on the downtrodden. It has turned rotten the taste of happiness, forgiveness, and brotherhood, leaving only distrust and distaste for differences.

Although the chains of the modern society I currently call home prevent me from inflicting the carnage that my ancestors brought you, I will be silent no more. I will use my tongue like a sword, my lips as axes to cut through this deafening blindness and reveal the cats behind the curtains. I hope to show the world who you really are, and the travesties you have caused throughout your history. You have no power here. I and my lands shall be protected from your magic by my hands, my magic, and my gods. I fear not your trials, for I am the Úlfhé∂nar. I am of Ó∂inn’s clan. 

I pray that the invisible cloth that has covered the eyes of many be removed so that all the people of the world can see this horrible beast for what it truly is, and just as importantly remove those obstacles of peace, joy and happiness. While I realize that many will resist the thought of being fooled by this beast, and choose to stay blind. Others will choose to see our spiritual connection for what it really is, regardless of the associated ancestral clan or another, ultimately the truth shall break the chains that bind us apart.

Hail Ó∂inn

Copyright © 2023. Alaskan Úlfhé∂nar, and Whispers of the Norse. Property of the Alaska Outlaws LLC, Anchorage, Alaska. All images and names are the property of Alaska Outlaws LLC.