
Lǽring: Understanding our path

Hello my friends, before we get to todays message. Remember, you can listen to these, as well as our weekly podcast on our website at As well, you can find the written copies of these shows that you can…

Lǽring: Emotional journey of life.

Hello my friends, before we get to todays message. Remember, you can listen to these, as well as our weekly podcast on our website at As well, you can find the written copies of these shows that you can…

Lǽring: Being a friend

Today’s message is about being a friend. In the hustle and bustle that we find ourselves engulfed in everyday, many have chosen to stay “connected” to our friends and acquaintances in the virtual world of technology, in-lieu of face-to-face meetings. Some, have chosen to stay connected to “friends” with technology instead of real time, even when in the same space and time together. Our modern society has lost the desire for real-life social bonding. So today I want to take a second to remind us all, what a friend is, and how we can foster these friendships.

Lǽring: Being One’s Self

Hello my friends, before we get to todays message. Remember, you can listen to these, as well as our weekly podcast on our website at As well, you can find the written copies of these shows that you can…

Skáldskapr: Reversing the effects of “sin”

This episode speaks to the preconceived notion of defining “sin” as per the generations of church leadership has. It speaks as how this international form of population control began a legacy of defining “good versus evil” that has now transcended throughout the world. We also outline the need to get out from under this defined mind control protocol, with the powerful tool of shame/guilt as its leading point of impact with our behavior patterns. My major concern is the power that this concept has had on the world throughout the history of humankind, burying many under mountains of these value judgement leading to depression and lack of self-worth.

Copyright 2023. Alaskan Úlfhé∂nar, and Whispers of the Norse. Property of the Alaska Outlaw Productions LLC, Anchorage, Alaska. All images and names are the property of Whispers of the Norse.