Author: Shaman

Life Lessons from Monday 7/10/2023

Today, as mother Alaska gently showered around me I pondered the necessity for clearing away one’s negative energy. Typically every morning we all wake up to positivity and a clear mind ready to tackle whatever gets thrown at us. Then,…

Life Lessons from Thursday 7/6/2023

Today I pondered the strength of Thor as today being Thursday or (Thors day) and immediate thoughts came to my mind about the balance of power, for Thor represented the superhuman strength of mankind. He wielded the power with sometimes…

Life Lessons from Monday 7/3/2023

Today, in honor of the United States of America celebrating freedom from the oppression of Britain, I started thinking about how the real understanding of freedom has been lost in the translation along the way. How the settlers of the…

Life Lessons from Friday 6/30/23

Today, my thoughts turned to this week’s discussion where we discuss the misperception of supremacy. Whether talking about racial, sexual, or any other type of misunderstanding an individual has about their need to control another physical form because of some…

Life Lessons for Tuesday 6/20/23

Today I was re-reading my book “Turn to Final” and came upon Chapter two where the spirits revealed the truth about understanding the influence of spiritual energy on the physical form. The book speaks to how our biological body DNA…

Life Lessons for Monday 6/19/23

Today, as I rode the motorcycle to work I continued my thoughts about being a descendant that my ancestors would be proud of. I questioned myself as to having let my self image slip into normalacy. While many of my…

Copyright 2023. Alaskan Úlfhé∂nar, and Whispers of the Norse. Property of the Alaska Outlaw Productions LLC, Anchorage, Alaska. All images and names are the property of Whispers of the Norse.